After talking with Teddy over the weekend, I have lots to share. This is actually a delayed receipt of a beautiful picture of Teddy back in Crater Lake, Oregon. Teddy had wanted to see this place for years, and when he arrived it was foggy and overcast. He had not intended to stay overnight there, but circumstances had it where he ended up in the Belgium couple's room, out of the rain/snow and when he awoke the next morning, the clear beautiful day presented itself to Teddy for this awesome photo. He was extremely grateful to have seen this piece of the trail with such clarity. As posted earlier, it was only 20 miles later that he hiked into terrible weather and had to fast-forward 144 miles up the trail. His experience from there has been amazing. Let me share... The first story is one I did NOT hear from my husband, but from an email I received on my phone earlier today... it fuels my positive energy and is continuing to restore my faith in the kindness and goodness in people - I was just happy and grateful to hear Teddy's spirits were up. The email is posted below:
Hi there Thru-Hikers Wife,
On Wednesday, October 12TH, I was set up on the Eagle Creek / PCT junction, in Oregon, when at dusk your husband came down the PCT, he said he was a Thru-Hiker, and asked politely if he could camp by me, I of course said that would be fine. I found it amazing that someone that has been hiking, carry a lot weight, in cold rain this pass week, could be in such great spirits! I enjoyed hearing his stories, and the ones I have read on your blog so far. I have a flexible schedule, so if Ted / Scarecrow, needs a ride around Oregon, Washington, etc don't hesitate to give me a call, or email. :Doug
Thank you to Doug, for your support and kindness towards Scarecrow - I know he appreciated the company as much as I appreciate the update.
After getting back on the trail in Sisters, Oregon, where he resupplied, received our packages, and rested up, it was onward towards Cascade Locks - the last stop in Oregon. He made it there on Friday, and luckily I got to talk with him several times over the course of the next two days. He chatted for a few minutes with me, Laura and Alex at work - that's always interesting, right Alex?? And, unfortunately, at one point he called during the middle of the controlled chaos going on at our home Friday night and said, "What the hell is going on over there?" - yes, we hosted 17 junior varsity soccer girls at the house for a pasta dinner, tye-dying shirts and loud music (all which Teddy loves) - we couldn't even hear each other over the phone, so I had to delay the gathering of my blog information until the next morning. NEVER a dull moment for the Warrens.
Teddy was looking forward to eating at the Pacific Crest Pub
http://www.pacificcrestpub.com where he sat at the bar enjoying his burger and beer. Teddy asked me to mention to our friends (and awesome supporters) Pattie and Derrick Grieco that he ordered a beer called "Walking Man" - he said it was great, and chose it for its most appropriate title. While sitting at the bar enjoying his meal, the bartender said there was a family sitting over at a table that wanted him to join them for a drink at their table. They had asked about the title of the place, and if there were any thruhikers that came in and the waitress said, "As a matter of fact, we have a thruhiker sitting at the bar." Teddy said he joined them at the table and had wonderful conversation - they wanted to ask him questions about his experience, and hear his stories... more trail angels that have blessed my husband's journey. What was even more wonderful, is that I received the following email on my phone earlier today:
I am happy to let you know we bought Scarecrow a beer in Cascade Locks, OR last night at the Pacific Crest Pub. We really enjoyed his stories about his adventures and wish him well on the rest of his journey. When you get him back on your trail he really needs a razor and some fattening up. We are proud to have met him and wish him well. George, Loretta & Rob Melanson
Thank you to the Melanson family for good company, a delicious beer, and a kind, generous spirit. I agree on both points - the RAZOR is a must, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner - his barbecued turkey will fatten him right up.
The abundance of trail angels is ongoing... the emails I have received are inspiring - random strangers to us, sharing their stories about their encounters with Scarecrow... we are truly blessed and thankful for each and every one. Onward Scarecrow trekked, getting closer to the Washington border. Teddy's next point of interest would be the Bridge of the Gods. According to Wikipedia,
The Bridge of the Gods is a steel truss cantilever bridge that spans the Columbia River between Cascade Locks, Oregon and Washington state. The Pacific Crest Trail crosses the Columbia River on the Bridge of the Gods and the lowest elevation of the trail is on this bridge.
In the picture at the left, you can see the PCT symbol at the top of the trestle noting the Pacific Crest Trail, with the actual bridge behind it. This was an exciting moment for Teddy, as once he crosses the bridge, he enters the state of Washington. The bridge itself is 1,856 feet (a little over three tenths of a mile).
I must say, as "furry" as Teddy looks, he is radiating happiness, determination and a sense of accomplishment - as he should. He is in the home stretch (about 600 miles left). We did begin to calculate his completion date more accurately, based on his location, hiking speed and walking/rest days needed. It looks as if he will NOT be arriving home on his targeted finish date of Halloween - we are looking more realistically at a finish date of November 13th, with a flight home on the 15th. Although disappointed about the delay, we are excited about the fact it is only a month away - a mere 4 weeks left until we can see this furry, (probably really smelly), accomplished thruhiker of the Pacific Crest Trail.
So, Teddy traveled over this bridge and sent the picture with the caption "I'm on the move."
entering the Bridge of the Gods |
From the looks of the pictures, it doesn't look warm or sunny, but I do NOT see snow on the ground, so we are in great shape.
what does look a bit challenging are the snowy mountains in the background - YES, that is the direction in which the trail heads...

I am praying for a smooth, warm, expeditious journey for Scarecrow. He has alot to look forward to - an upcoming visit to my cousin's home, that will include some delicious home cooked meals, a comfy bed, some care packages and treats from family and friends, wonderful company, and some much needed rest. A day to rejuvenate his body, mind and soul for the last leg of his journey. More immediately than all of those rewards, Teddy took out some time to celebrate his entrance into Washington with a container of Ben and Jerry's Red Velvet Cake ice cream... the next picture was sent with the text "I'm now in Washington - first I have to celebrate."
Welcome to Washington | | |
Enjoy your ice cream, Scarecrow - you surely deserve it. Teddy said he will probably not call again for 6 to 7 days :( the cell phone signal is next to none, and he will not be in another town until Friday. I wonder how many trail angels he will encounter between now and then - I certainly cannot wait to hear about it.
Until next time,
~ The Thruhiker's Wife ~