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The trail has been very kind to Scarecrow. On Sunday, he had reported that he would have to do some road walking due to fires. He sounded bummed out, but was happy that he could keep going. Well, Teddy reported today, that this news was prematurely told. As he approached the said area, the first fire closure he thought he would encounter opened up just in time for him to continue along the PCT and not step off onto the road. And his good fortune continued as each closure reopened just before his arrival. His hiking went as follows: 20 miles on Friday and Saturday, 19.2 miles on Sunday, after a stop at the Elk Lake Resort for a burger and some beer, camping out next to a thruhiker named Saute', and then a whopping 28.8 miles on Monday. He is checking in today, Tuesday, around 10:00 am (his time) at Willamette Pass, excited for the kindness the trail has shown him. He has 88 miles of the Oregon trail done in only 4 days. WOW. He reports it gets cold at night, down to a touch above freezing, but he is warm in his sleeping bag, and just so thankful there is NO SNOW. He is scheduled to finish the Oregon section by Friday ~ WOOHOO ~ make his way up to our family in Benton City, Washington for some family time :) and then up to Washington to finally finish off the PCT.
Grateful for the kind trail,
The Thruhiker's Wife
Go, Scarecrow, go! Say hello to the folks at Christman Cove for us!