Warren Lake |
As Scarecrow flies through Montana towards the finish line of the CDT, we have heard from him several times from his cell phone, or his hiking buddy Medic's phone with a pretty weak signal. It was never quite strong enough to send pictures, but we loved hearing the updates and progress being made. Finally, Scarecrow has entered into an area where he has a signal. He was able to send some updated pictures of his latest stops. These first two pictures were in an email entitled "Warren Lake."
Warren Peak, Warren Lake, Scarecrow Warren |
It looks like it is getting really cold, but the lake, with Warren Peak behind him made for a beautiful picture. Great job, Mr. Warren. Just so you know, this picture is my new laptop background - I love it.
As Teddy updated me over the past few weeks, he had said it was getting colder, with temperatures in the twenties, and some light snow. Well, I guess he didn't want to worry us too much by telling us about the storm he must have been traveling through.
It looks okay in this picture, with the sun out, and the trees lightly covered, with what looks like a path through the snow. Well, the other pictures from this same email, entitled "Snow Storm", were the ones that had me a bit more concerned. Yes, Teddy failed to mention the sightings of the tremendous BEAR PRINTS in the fresh snow. Teddy is a shoe size 14, so this should show you just how large the bear was who was traveling a little too close to where Scarecrow was.
fresh bear tracks in the snow |
And, this last picture made me shiver - for obvious reasons.
time to de-ice the beard, Scarecrow |
This picture was taken on September 11, and he is heading North to colder temperatures. No, that is not just more gray hair in his beard - it's FROZEN. At least he is smiling this time - thoughts and memories of the PCT came rushing back, with the photo of Teddy frozen, in snow, taken on the day he stepped off the PCT due to weather. Would weather get in his way again? Will he be able to push through and make it to the end?? Once I saw the next two pictures, I was relieved. They were in the email entitled, "Fall is Here". I can only imagine how beautiful the changing leaves and landscape are as he heads further North towards Canada.

YES, he will not be held back by Mother Nature and harsh weather. The bright side in all of this is that the weather will not get in the way of his successful completion of this trail. He has made it through all of the weather elements, and as I type this, only a day or two away from the finish line. I am anxiously awaiting the text/call that it is a "DONE DEAL".
For now, click
HERE for his latest location. As for travel arrangements, I will continue to keep you all posted. THANK YOU to all who have expressed an interest to greet him as he arrives on Friday at the airport. We cannot wait.
Until next time,
The Thruhiker's Wife