Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Picture We have Waited 5 Months and 6 days For...

 IT'S A DONE DEAL - after 5 months and 6 days, Scarecrow has completed the Continental Divide Trail.

I cannot even begin to express the pride I feel over this picture.  I still cannot believe that it has happened for you, Teddy.  Olive Juice, to the moon and back.

Another perfect photo spot is the dock - unfortunately Teddy was by himself and had to set the timer and run to the end to grab this next photo... kkind of reminded me of how Grandma Utz used to get into place after setting her camera timer <3

You truly are an inspiration, Scarecrow!!

1 day, 16 hours, and 54 minutes left,

The Thruhiker's Wife

More Trail Angel Messages!!

It touches my soul to its core to receive these emails from random people who have interacted with Teddy for a moment, a car ride, or an afternoon of chatting.  Every single one has stated how great it was to meet Teddy, and how excited they were to find out how far he has come, and how much he is anxious to see his family and friends...
I do not think Teddy realizes just HOW MUCH he has impacted our lives.  He has inspired people to live their dreams, and go after what they want, and support others who want to achieve their goals.  I am so proud of you, Scarecrow, and cannot wait to see you on Friday.

An email entitled "Greetings from a Scarecrow Hitch" came through today:

I wanted to let you know my wife and I had the pleasure of picking up Teddy this afternoon just south of the US/Canada border. Please wish him once again our congrats on having just completed the Triple Crown. While he may have been stinky on the exterior, it was quite clear he's awesome on the inside. We had a great opportunity to talk before dropping him off in East Glacier. It was fun to hear about his adventures. We hope that when you and your family get to visit Glacier, that you'll enjoy it as much as my wife and I have.
Wishing you all the best,
David & Melissa D'Angelo
PS: Once I get the photos off the camera, I'll send you a photo from an overlook we took while driving with Teddy to East Glacier.

THANK YOU for the check-in, David and Melissa,  and thank you for getting Teddy safely to his destination.

Only two days left, 

The Thruhiker's Wife

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

More Messages!!

Only minutes after receiving the call from Teddy, saying he is standing in Canada a few miles past the finish line, I received another email from a gentleman who met Scarecrow yesterday.  He wrote:

Hi. I met Ted minutes from Piegan Pass yesterday eve.  I asked where he had been today... He impressed me with his thankfulness.  Happy reunions to you both.

Thank you Steven Lock, for checking in with this message - we are so excited to have Teddy back home this week, and are so proud of his accomplishments!!!

God Bless All Trail Angels,

The Thruhiker's Wife

Monday, September 22, 2014

Several Scarecrow Sightings!

TWO emails came in today from people who have run into Scarecrow - how exciting!

The first was from Jane Hamel, entitled "Scarecrow on Sunday Afternoon" who wrote:

In Glacier with only 50+ miles to finish.  He wanted to let you know he is anxious to finish and excited to get home.  Looks great here while holding his mountain yard sale (drying out his gear)

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PICTURE and for checking in with us - it's nice to be prepared on just how "outdoorsy" Scarecrow is looking these days.  It definitely looks as if he is in need of some major home cooking when he gets home.

The second came from Laura ODell, entitled "Scarecrow Spotted" who wrote:

Hi! We bumped into your husband on the trail today. He was headed towards Piegan Pass.  He seemed pretty excited to only have 43 miles (he estimates three days left).  He just wanted to let you know he is safe.

THANK YOU for checking in with us - we are beyond excited to get him home to us.  The trail angels have NO IDEA how amazing these check ins are for Scarecrow's family.

There won't be too many more opportunities to track his progress, but here is one of the LAST ones.

Thankfully, almost at at the end,
The Thruhiker's Wife

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Signal from Scarecrow = Pretty Pictures

Warren Lake
As Scarecrow flies through Montana towards the finish line of the CDT, we have heard from him several times from his cell phone, or his hiking buddy Medic's phone with a pretty weak signal.  It was never quite strong enough to send pictures, but we loved hearing the updates and progress being made.  Finally, Scarecrow has entered into an area where he has a signal.  He was able to send some updated pictures of his latest stops. These first two pictures were in an email entitled "Warren Lake."  

Warren Peak, Warren Lake, Scarecrow Warren

It looks like it is getting really cold, but the lake, with Warren Peak behind him made for a beautiful picture.  Great job, Mr. Warren.  Just so you know, this picture is my new laptop background - I love it.

As Teddy updated me over the past few weeks, he had said it was getting colder, with temperatures in the twenties, and some light snow.  Well, I guess he didn't want to worry us too much by telling us about the storm he must have been traveling through.

It looks okay in this picture, with the sun out, and the trees lightly covered, with what looks like a path through the snow.  Well, the other pictures from this same email, entitled "Snow Storm", were the ones that had me a bit more concerned.  Yes, Teddy failed to mention the sightings of the tremendous BEAR PRINTS in the fresh snow.  Teddy is a shoe size 14, so this should show you just how large the bear was who was traveling a little too close to where Scarecrow was.

fresh bear tracks in the snow
And, this last picture made me shiver - for obvious reasons.  

time to de-ice the beard, Scarecrow
This picture was taken on September 11, and he is heading North to colder temperatures.  No, that is not just more gray hair in his beard - it's FROZEN.  At least he is smiling this time - thoughts and memories of the PCT came rushing back, with the photo of Teddy frozen, in snow, taken on the day he stepped off the PCT due to weather.  Would weather get in his way again? Will he be able to push through and make it to the end?? Once I saw the next two pictures, I was relieved.  They were in the email entitled, "Fall is Here". I can only imagine how beautiful the changing leaves and landscape are as he heads further North towards Canada. 

YES, he will not be held back by Mother Nature and harsh weather.  The bright side in all of this is that the weather will not get in the way of his successful completion of this trail.  He has made it through all of the weather elements, and as I type this, only a day or two away from the finish line.  I am anxiously awaiting the text/call that it is a "DONE DEAL".

For now, click HERE for his latest location.  As for travel arrangements, I will continue to keep you all posted.  THANK YOU to all who have expressed an interest to greet him as he arrives on Friday at the airport.  We cannot wait.

Until next time,
The Thruhiker's Wife

Friday, September 19, 2014


It looks like traveling for Scarecrow is working out better for FRIDAY instead of Wednesday.  I will post as soon as things are booked!!! Looking to have him land at MacArthur around 3:00 pm Hope this plan work out!!

Until next time,
The Thruhiker's Wife

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Almost to the Finish Line

The day we have been waiting for!!! Scarecrow called from East Glacier Park - the last town stop before heading on to the end.  Hebsaid he was actually a bit ahead of schedule and is about to reach the monument at the end of the CDT on Monday - WOW  This now means if I can secure flights and transportation for Teddy over the next day or two, we could be collecting him from the airport on WEDNESDAY next week!!!

For those of you who asked about his travel plans and arrival home, I will definitely keep you posted over the next few days about definitive plans.  Some have expressed an interest in greeting him at the airport - he would LOVE that.  He is very much looking to be back home and reconnect with family and friends.  There would be nothing better than to have you all there to show him some love and support as he lands - it will DEFINITELY be at MacArthur airport and I am looking at a 5:15 pm landing.  I will know for sure after talking with him further over the next day or two.

The day is here where I can say, my (almost) Triple Crown hiker will be back home next week.  I will post again VERY SOON with an update.

Until next time,
The Thruhiker's Wife

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Trail Angel Texts :)

Three amazing check ins have made my day! I received a call from Teddy this morning - he sounds great and is happy to report that he has only 366 miles left until he reaches the finish line.  His estimated finish date is Septemeber 25th.  I cannot believe the end is near.  We are so proud of you Scarecrow.

I received two separate emails from people who have run into Scarecrow over the past week and I am lucky enough to be able to thank them both for the photos they sent.

photo by Brenda Nordlund
I live in Helena Montana.  This evening I was on a moonlight group hike (the clouds did not cooperate) on the CDT when our group ran into your husband and his hiking companion.  We advised them of the changing weather - much colder and snow in the mountains in the next day or two.  An offer of a ride to town was extended if they wanted to hold up til the weather passed but they declined. They had another sixty six miles or so to get to Lincoln, MT a small town down/over the road.
It was a treat to meet such accomplished hikers.  We wished them well in the rest of their journey.  It was delightful to meet them!
I hope you enjoy the photo.

Best regards,

This picture is of Scarecrow (looking pretty scary, I might add) and Medic.  They have been hiking together for several hundred miles and have been great keeping each other on track pushing 30+ miles daily.  Way to go guys.  Thank you Brenda for sharing this awesome picture of our hiker guys to share with family and friends who miss them.

photo by Geri & Christine Stocker
Dear Thruhiker's Wife,
We met these two great hikers on Chief Joseph Pass a few days ago and took them down to the Sula store. What a wonderful encounter! (One of many in our US-travels...). We thought you might like the picture. And of course we wish them  all the best for the remaining portion.
All the best from two Swiss car-travellers (currently still in the US)

Geri & Christine Stocker
Oberlaenderstrasse 40
CH-4132 Muttenz

Thank you to Geri & Christine from Switzerland for sending me a Scarecrow check-in.  We all enjoy the pictures you send of our hiker that is coming home soon.

THANK YOU and God Bless all the trail angels and kind people who are traveling out there along the trail who have helped, inspired and have shown their kindness and generosity to the hikers on the CDT.
Where is Scarecrow now? Click HERE

Counting down the days,
The Thruhiker's Wife

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Picture-less Post :(

I have had several check ins from Scarecrow, but was holding out on writing in hopes of him sending pictures to go along with the post.  No such luck.  He is in and out of towns, successfully completing 30+ miles a day along with a new hiker friend Medic. The only thing missing is a good signal to send pictures.  He sounds strong, happy and is getting quite emotional when he thinks and speaks about finishing this trail.  He has less than 500 miles left of this amazing journey.

Back on September 3rd, he passed through a town called Sula, Montana and while there decided to eat breakfast at the Sula Country Store.  I only know this because later that day, I received a text from Lori Johnson that read:

Hi Thruhikers Wife!!  I am the cook at the Sula Country Store, and wanted to let you know that I fed Scarecrow and Medic a good breakfast this morning and sent them off to the trail.  Scarecrow looks great and healthy and is in very good spirits!! The thought of Triple Crowning is starting to set in for them. 

THANK YOU Lori Johnson, for not only feeding them, but for checking in with his family  -we love to hear from people who have seen, helped or just met Scarecrow while he is away.

Scarecrow will be in Lincoln, Montana in about 5 days from today, so if you were interested in sending him a note, treat, or any other type of package, NOW is the time to do it.

Again, the United States Postal Service address is:

PO BOX 816

Teddy has said he thinks he will complete this trail on September 25th.  Please keep him in your prayers and positive thoughts as he travels through 20 degree weather to reach Glacier National Park and the finish line of this trail.  I will post again with updates as they come in (hopefully with pictures next time).  Check out his progress HERE

Until next time,
The Thruhiker's Wife