After a false start back onto the trail due to a mudslide, Scarecrow made it back on by Wednesday, and caught up to Jabba a day or two later. They are headed from Monarch Pass to Twin Lakes, with such beautiful scenery along the way. Because Scarecrow has sketchy service, I am "borrowing" the photos you see here from Jabba's pictures. You can look him up on Facebook if you want to see more at "The Real Hiking Viking".
During this leg of the hike, the hikers ventured off on a side trip to climb their first 14er. Click
HERE to see the entire list of 14,000+ foot mountains. Mt. Elbert is the name of this beautiful, scenic land they are standing on. Its elevation is 14,433 feet.
photo by The Real Hiking Viking |
This mountain is part of the Sawatch Range and is the highest elevation they will encounter while on on this hike. They will also summit Gray's Peak, which is part of the Front Range, and noted as the highest point on the CDT, reaching a whopping 14,270 feet further up the trail. As you can see, the view is breathtaking. Thank you Jabba for including Scarecrow in your photo shoot.
photo by The Real Hiking Viking |
photo by The Real Hiking Viking |
Scarecrow and Jabba were accompanied by two of Jabba's friends for this climb, and were there to enjoy the view and some refreshments upon completion.
photo by The Real Hiking Viking |
After speaking with Teddy, he said while he and the group were ascending, he got a chuckle over imagining me trying to hike this ~ he and I both know how THAT would have ended. So, after this excursion was through, they headed into a town called Breckenridge for resupply.
I got to speak with Scarecrow today, and they are on the move again, rested and resupplied. He is happy, healthy and full of life as he continues on his journey. Please enjoy the next few photos of our favorite hiker, thanks to Jabba. I tried to enlarge them as much as possible, some decided to hang off the page - I don't mind because the beauty and accomplishment in these photos is worth hanging out for :)
photo by The Real Hiking Viking |
photo by The Real Hiking Viking |
photo by The Real Hiking Viking |
Still tracking Scarecrow's progress? Click
where is Scarecrow now? to see his progress.
Happy Trails, Scarecrow. Have fun, be safe, we love you. Olive Juice.
Until next time,
The Thruhiker's Wife
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