Thursday, September 29, 2011

Courtesy of Callahan's...

 Lots of excitement for Teddy these days... a new state, a new backpack sent from our friend Ray at  "Just Roughin' It", some goodies from the family, and Callahan's Lodge in Ashland, Oregon.  Listed on the PCT map at 1,730 miles, it was a definite gold mine for any thruhiker... while talking with Teddy while at work, my friend Laura Melfi and I got to hear the excitement in Teddy's voice as he boasted about the thruhiker deal he received while at the lodge... I found their website and copied the "package deal for thruhikers" that Teddy was so excited about.

You can check in with the front desk at the lodge and get directions to the hiker shower and laundry room.  Your amenities (sweet smelling spa quality shampoo, conditioner, lotion and oatmeal body soap) are presented with your experience.
You can do a load of laundry, take a hot shower, pitch your tent on any level spot you like, then have a seat on our dining deck or in the dining room.  Order a salad, bottomless plate of spaghetti served with our artisan baked bread.  Enjoy live music til 9 pm.
Then, unroll your sleeping bag on Callahan's huge grassy backyard.  You'll be lulled to sleep with the lovely sounds of the waterfall there.
When you awaken (after 8 am please) come to breakfast and dine on a dish of bacon, eggs, fresh fruit and all the pancakes you can eat.
All this is yours for just $40

I think Teddy will enjoy ALL of that, except for maybe the pancakes...
Hmm - I wonder if they offer that knowing most thruhikers just failed the pancake challenge in Seiad...

In trying to meet his own personal goal of being done with the Pacific Crest Trail and home by Halloween, Teddy has committed to hiking no less than 25 mile days... although he just told me he walked another 30 miles yesterday in order to reach this amazing lodge.  With mileage days like this, he will be through the state of Oregon in less than three weeks.  Crazy, but correct according to our calculations...

Teddy sent me this picture also - content and cheerful at Callahan's.  Rock on Scarecrow... You have officially completed 65% of the PCT thus far - still strong, focused and happy.  We are proud of you and look forward to the upcoming adventures you will have, bringing you closer to achieving your dreams, and closer to home...     Olive Juice.

~The Thruhiker's Wife~

1 comment:

  1. Way to Go, Crow! Awesome progress. That sounds like a sweet deal! All I have to do is walk... let's see... 1700 MILES?!?!? Holy crap, I get a backache if I DRIVE a hundred miles! Looks like I'll have to suffer through paying regular price for spaghetti dishes with solid bottoms.

    We are all incredibly proud of you, Teddy!
