Injury, Ingenuity, and Itineraries...
Now that Teddy is out of the High Sierras, he gets to call more often and hear lots of stuff... he gets to hear about how Dakota is on crutches for the next 3 weeks after a bad sprain during soccer tryouts. She was sad in telling her dad about not being able to run in the upcoming 5K - don't worry, Dakota - Daddy is still so proud of you.
He gets to hear how Jagger is becoming an expert in multi-tasking the X-box and phone, never skipping a beat with conversation or gun fighting in Black Ops. He was excited in telling his dad about being able to run in the upcoming 5K - and was very appreciative for the advice given by his marathon Dad. Thanks Daddy.
But just when it looks like all hell's broke loose in the Warren home, we get to tell Teddy that all is well, the kids and I are 3 days away from beginning school, and are anxious to have him home. We have kept a countdown for the estimated arrival home (Halloween) and have a mere 59 days left to wait... not bad when it started as 153... We look calm, rested, and harmonized, right?? (I wish)
photo by Darien Maginn |
Teddy checked in while visiting Sierra City, which is 1,201 miles into the PCT. Happy to be over the 1,000 mile marker, he is anxious to hit the 1,325 mile point - half way of his total journey. He is confident he will reach this milestone within the next 5 days. WOO-HOO... He says he is back doing 25 to 30 mile days now that he is not up in the mountains. He is still with Not Ryan, traveling along with the vision of Canada growing brighter every day.
He has not given me his next mail drop address :( - the Snickers bars for him and Not Ryan are stacking up :) - I will post for all who asked when I receive the information. I want to again, thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts, support, and positive energy directed our way... Teddy, the kids and I receive it openly and gratefully. This would not have been as complete without all of you...
Until next time,
~The Thruhiker's Wife~
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